The Crusades claimed thousands of European knights and pilgrim soldiers, leaving a trail of death and destruction across the Middle East. While exact figures are difficult to estimate, some estimates place the total number at around millions.

In the early 11th century, Pope Urban II exhorted Christian knights to “seize and restore” the Holy Lands from Moslem rule. This instigated a religious zealotry inspired by the Church that set off the crusades.


The number of people killed in the Crusades has varied throughout history. Some estimates suggest over 700 million died since Christ’s birth, while others indicate only 200,000 perished during the First Crusade alone.

There are various reasons why the numbers may differ. One major reason is that each crusader had different motivations for embarking on their journey. Some went out of religion, while others sought glory or protection for their lands. No matter their beliefs, many of these men weren’t all religious; many often swore to kill anyone who opposed Christianity.

Beyond religion, political and economic ideas were at play. These were primarily promoted by popes who funded the crusades with money from overseas. Pope Urban II for instance used these conflicts to reunite Greece with Latin Christianity, as well as restore Christian lands lost to Seljuk Turks.

Another reason behind the crusades was an upsurge in European population after years of decline due to Viking attacks and other conflicts. Additionally, Middle Eastern populations were growing rapidly as well, creating an impetus to migrate and conquer.

Some crusaders were led by a charismatic leader, while others followed orders from the papaacy or church. Generally though, people were motivated by an urge to battle Islam.

In terms of numbers, the crusades are widely regarded as one of the most significant events of the High Middle Ages. They sparked religious zealotry, overpopulation, ignorance and bigotry that would continue to shape Europe for centuries to come.

For those unaware, the crusades were a series of Christian assaults on Muslim world in the name of Jesus that began in the 11th century and ended around 16th.

In 1095, Pope Urban II began the first crusade known as “People’s Crusade.” This campaign is widely documented and considered one of the most extensive. Much more powerful than its sister initiative, “Princes’ Crusade,” which began a few months later, this initial campaign had greater papal backing.


The crusades were a series of religious battles between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East during medieval times. Pope Urban II began this campaign in 1095, uniting knights, farmers, and shopkeepers from Europe in a campaign for Jerusalem – the holy land.

These battles were fought for control of sacred religious lands belonging to Jews, Muslims and others around the Middle East. These lands had great religious significance to both religions, with Christian armies often having more success than Muslim ones in capturing them.

Crusades were undertaken for many reasons, such as spiritual liberation, political purposes and economic gain. Most importantly, people hoped to be freed of their sins.

It was believed that those who joined these crusades would receive forgiveness of sins from the papacy. This provided an attractive incentive to those who joined, leading to an unprecedentedly large number of individuals joining these endeavors.

Another reason these crusades were waged was due to the dangers faced by Jews. They were at high risk of attack and murder from Crusaders, making these encounters more deadly than ever before in history.

Due to this, Jews were forced to seek refuge in towns and cities throughout Europe as well as in rural areas. Additionally, they faced threats from other Europeans who desired to convert them to Christianity or kill them – as occurred on May 18th 1096 in Worms, Germany.

On some occasions, Christians took on these Crusades without authorization from the church and went ahead of the four main groups. Unfortunately, these unorganized and undisciplined mobs killed many Jews in Europe despite protective papal edicts.

Some Jewish communities were threatened by Crusaders from England, forcing them to flee their homes. Furthermore, they were required to live in dangerous conditions and were denied their money.


The crusades were a landmark event in Western European history. Their implications were far-reaching and long-lasting, opening the way for European expansion and impacting nearly every aspect of life during that period.

The crusades had a major impact on Western European society. Most significantly, they altered how Europeans saw themselves; from being peaceful to aggressive warriors – an impact which would last for centuries to come.

These changes were accompanied by cultural and technological advancements. Western Europeans gained insight into Arabic art, architecture, mathematics, medicine from their contact with the Islamic world. Furthermore, the Crusades spurred on a massive increase in trade between Europe and the Middle East that encouraged Europeans to travel abroad and explore new places; this in turn spurred an unprecedented surge of exploration across continental Europe.

Moreover, the Crusades gave Europeans a new perspective of their small villages and towns. They gave them an insight into the Middle East that was more realistic, while simultaneously reinforcing the importance of exploration – leading to many new inventions and discoveries.

Another consequence of the crusades was their inhumane toll. This was especially true since they targeted Muslims in the Middle East, who held deep hatred towards Christians. When these martyrs were executed, this animus only increased.

Due to the Crusades, Europe lost its prestige and military standing among Muslims. As a result, they developed an intense hatred towards Europe as well as intellectually and theologically conservative beliefs.

The crusades had a profound effect on European culture. The popes and kings of Europe gained control of much of the Middle East, which they could use to further their religious interests. As a result, Europeans became more powerful and influential.

Ultimately, the crusades were a major success for the Roman Catholic church despite their cost. Additionally, they brought significant benefits to Europe such as increased commercialism and trade in the Mediterranean. However, Europe suffered substantial losses from these conflicts that are likely to have contributed to future conflicts between Europeans and Moslems.


Crusades were military expeditions organized during the Christian Middle Ages to prevent Islam’s spread, retake control of the Holy Land, and conquer pagan areas. Many participants saw these campaigns as means of redemption and atonement for past sins.

The Crusades claimed the lives of an estimated two to six million Europeans, leading to a devastating loss of life. Estimates of their exact number range from two to six million individuals.

It was an era of unprecedented violence, in which the Crusaders attacked and destroyed non-Christian communities across Europe. Furthermore, they engaged in battle with Jews on their land as well as looting Christian sanctuaries.

In some cases, the crusades were successful; for instance, when the First Crusade defeated and captured Jerusalem in 1095. On other occasions however, they proved to be complete failures.

One of the primary reasons for the Crusades’ widespread success was their capacity to recruit and lead large numbers of volunteers from western European Christian lands. These individuals were usually from wealthy families with enough land to raise funds and troops for the cause from their own estates.

But there were also a great number of poorer and lesser-known individuals who took part in the crusades – women, children, the elderly and paupers included.

Many groups joined the crusades as a way of giving back to their community and earning some extra money. Indeed, most crusades required large amounts of funding in order to be successful.

The crusades had a lasting impact on the lands and people from which they originated, yet they also caused great social and cultural upheaval. This was especially true in Iberia where taxation increased significantly due to increased property ownership by unscrupulous neighbors.

The crusades served as a major catalyst for research into Christianity’s history, particularly medieval ecclesiastical law and administration. This debate revolved around crusaders’ motives and how their activities were affected by contemporary religious influences. This interpretation brought together more scholars than ever before, creating an invaluable field of historical study.