Is It A Sin To Smoke Weed?

People around the world grapple with whether it is wrong to smoke marijuana. This issue has an immense effect on many lives, leaving many...

What’s a God to a Non Believer?

Non believers have their own definition of what a god is, but one thing is universal: to them it is something they do not...

Can Christians Eat Pork?

One of the more contentious issues among Christians is whether pork can be consumed. While some Christians eat this food, others consider it to...

Do Catholics Believe in Jesus?

Catholics believe in Jesus as both divine and human. He is our only Savior, having died to atone for our sins. Catholics are encouraged to...

Why Do People Prefer Honor and Prestige Over Servanthood?

In the world of social science, prestige is a sign of status and respect. It is awarded for accomplishments or contributions. When we say that...

