
Faith leaders have often struggled to define God and explain their personal relationship with Him. Recently, evangelist Billy Graham addressed this issue in his syndicated advice column for the Kansas City Star.

Though human language can accurately capture some aspects of God, it cannot fully capture His infinite nature. Here are some words to describe God that may help you better comprehend Him.


Omnipotent is an adjective derived from the Latin omnis (all) and potentia (power). This word is often used to refer to God, but can also refer to anything with the capacity for action.

The Bible affirms God’s omnipotence through supernatural acts such as the great flood, divine judgments and Jesus’ miracles. It also shows that God can control even sinful human actions.

Many philosophers find the concept of an omnipotent agent to be puzzling, due to what is commonly referred to as the Stone Paradox.


God is omniscient, which means He knows everything that has occurred or will occur. This incredible fact underscores our Creator’s astounding nature.

Furthermore, He is aware of every hair on the heads of every person in the universe. He can view atoms within every cell in our universe, read everyone’s thoughts in their hearts, and hear prayers from millions.

The Bible clearly teaches that God is omniscient. Scripture such as Isaiah 40:13-14 and Romans 11:34-36 demonstrate His complete knowledge of all things, without needing to learn or remember anything.


Omnipresent is a term that describes something present everywhere at once, taken from the prefix omni-, meaning “all.” This quality gives this word its name:

The Bible reminds us that God is omnipresent and present in every situation throughout creation. He may not be revealed the same way to everyone around the world at once, but He remains ever-present nonetheless.

For believers, this idea offers comforting assurance that God will be with them no matter what trials they may face. It also reminds them that no place can be hidden from Him and no one can escape His protective care.

Omnipresent Love

Over centuries, the majority of people around the world have believed in a Supreme Being.

Monotheistic theology typically portrays God as omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent (and, in most doctrines, immutable).

However, there are some distinctive distinctions between religious systems. For instance, Judaism and Christianity divide their concept of God into transcendence and immanence.

Both systems affirm God as omnipresent, having the freedom to interact with His creation as He pleases. This distinction sets God’s presence apart from pantheism which holds that God is completely immersed in its substance.

Omnipresent Mercy

Omnipresent Mercy is God’s ability to be present with those in distress and pain. He is there when soldiers go off to war, people suffer from cancer or HIV/AIDS, children lose a parent or someone passes away – you name it! Omnipresent Mercy shows God’s presence with those who are suffering in sorrow and loss.

One of the most comforting aspects of our loving, sovereign God is His promise that trials and tribulations will pass eventually and that He is ever-present in our lives. Knowing this brings us peace in times of difficulty, knowing that He is with us throughout it all.

Mercy is the result of compassion, which is the capacity to recognize another’s suffering and take action to ease it. By sponsoring a child through Compassion International, you are showing mercy to someone in need in tangible ways–nutritional meals and supplements, improved sanitation, life skills training, tuition assistance, emergency medical care including vaccinations and medicine, hygiene instruction–and more.

Omnipresent Grace

God is the Creator of All, omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (present everywhere). These attributes have been clearly taught in Scripture.

According to Scripture, it is impossible for us to hide from Him; He knows our thoughts at any given moment. As omnipresent as all of His creation, He fills our days with His presence even during storms or dark places.

He has always been present among His people in the past, providing them food and clothing and lavish blessings. In the future He will once again judge and pour out His wrath on those who deserve it, then bring His church into a heavenly realm where there will be no more tears or suffering.

Omnipresent Peace

God is omnipresent in the sense that He exists throughout time and space, without being locally limited to any place or time. This is a classical understanding of omnipresence.

In the Bible, God is often depicted as a loving parent who provides for his children and watches over them in times of trouble. He can be depicted as healer, friend and judge alike; some theologians even speak of Him as lover who desires fellowship with all creation.

Omnipresent Hope

The Bible is filled with stories of God being present in unexpected places. From soldiers serving abroad to prisoners confined to their cells, these tales demonstrate that God is omnipresent and cares deeply about each individual.

Omnipresence is one of God’s many ways of showing mankind His beauty and transformative grace. He knows our hearts better than we know ourselves, saves souls through His sovereign love and self-sacrificial death, and promises to be with us throughout our lives. Omnipresence reminds us that God desires nothing more than to reveal Himself to us in an intimate way.

Omnipresent Love

The prefix omni- is taken from Latin and means “all,” making God appear as omnipresent in the Bible; however, this doesn’t imply He is physically present everywhere at all times.

By definition, God is aware of everything that occurs around him at all times and places. He knows the workings of creation and is its cause.

Omnipresent Mercy

If you have ever struggled with a broken heart, the knowledge that the Omnipresent God has you in His arms can be comforting. He will ensure your sins are forgiven and trials not in vain.

The Omnipresent God is evident throughout the Bible in numerous ways. He served as a faithful guide for the Israelites when they left Egypt, accompanying them even into battle (Exodus 13:21-22).