jesus, god, holy spirit

If you’re struggling with hearing from the holy spirit, you aren’t alone. There are millions of people in the world today who experience difficulties with this vital spiritual gift. While there is no simple formula to follow, there are some practical steps you can take to develop a deeper connection with the spirit of God.


If you’re looking for ways to hear from the Holy Spirit, Samuel is one of the most intriguing figures in the Old Testament. He is a child when God first speaks to him and grows up into a man who was not only a prophet but also a judge. His story will provide many insights into how you can hear from the Holy Spirit.

Saul was desperate to get in touch with the spirit of a dead prophet. When the Lord first spoke to him, he believed it was Eli who called. So he sought out a medium. The medium said she could see the spirit of a dead person.

It turned out that the spirit of Samuel actually appeared. But Saul had hallucinated that he was talking to the dead prophet.

This would be a bizarre situation for the LORD to perform a miracle. After all, the word of the LORD was rare in those days. And it wasn’t like Moses’ experience where the LORD communicated heart to heart with the king.


Abraham heard the voice of the holy spirit. He believed God, as well as the word of God, and he carried out his obedience to the best of his ability. His faith was not weakened by time, but it was augmented by the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Abraham did not have an heir. Nevertheless, God promised to make him a great nation. In addition, God promised to bless the world through Abraham. These promises began the relationship between the Israelites and God.

The scriptures tell us that the Spirit of the Lord was present in all those who believe. They also tell us that God will make a covenant with the people of Israel. That will eventually lead to the redemption of the whole world. However, the Church was not to be established for many centuries.

Abraham did not know who the central figure was. However, he did know that a few things were possible.

A good example of the holy spirit’s work in the life of Abraham is his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac. If he did not, his flesh would have turned to dust and died. This was a testament to his faith in God’s power and provision.


How Moses hears from the holy spirit is not the same as how we hear from the Spirit. There are hundreds of stories in the Bible where we see the Spirit, and it is not just in Genesis.

The Holy Spirit was active in the Exodus. In fact, the Spirit made it possible for Abraham to become a friend of God.

The Bible is full of stories about how Moses and the Hebrew people were saved from slavery in Egypt. While it is interesting to learn about how Moses was able to lead the people out of Egypt, it is important to understand that his story is a part of the big picture. As we read the Bible, we see that God is always at work.

When we hear the words of God, we learn to fear Him. We are also reassured of His presence. Similarly, when we experience a prophetic sign, we know that God is at work.

In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is always “upon” prophets. It instructs by giving power to speak.


There are many ways that God speaks to us, but a common one is through the Holy Spirit. The Bible speaks of Elijah as the incarnation of the holy spirit. However, not all theologians agree on what the phrase means.

When the Bible says that Elijah heard a still small voice, it may mean that the Lord spoke to him or that God had a specific task for him to complete. Either way, the phrase is impressive.

When God speaks to us, He usually does it in a gentle manner. While there are times when we might experience an earthquake, there are very few times when we will hear a roaring and thundering voice.

Still, there are some occasions where the Lord speaks to us in a more dramatic fashion. For example, in the story of Elijah, God was trying to impress upon him that he was in charge. And the Bible says that the Lord met him one on one. This was a rare and privileged meeting.

It was also a miracle. After all, a “still small voice” was not something we expect to hear.


The Virgin Mary was able to hear from the holy spirit. It may seem a bit odd to think that a human being would be able to hear from God, but it’s true.

When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, she wondered how she could be a virgin and be able to have a baby. He told her that the Holy Spirit was coming to her and she was going to become pregnant.

While the Bible does not say that the Virgin Mary can hear from the holy spirit, there are a number of Catholic and Protestant commentaries that offer a similar claim.

One is Redemptoris Mater, a book about the Virgin Mary written by St. John Paul II. Another is The Book of Divine Names, attributed to St. Denis the Aeropagite.

A third, and perhaps the most popular, is the Book of the Merits, a collection of sayings and aphorisms about the Virgin Mary. These include the famous words, “Do not fear”.

Many of these sayings are about her letting go of her physical body and suffering in her life. Other statements are about her being a good mother, a source of grace, and an example of divine love.


The Lord told Paul to go to the Gentiles, and he preached the gospel. He also gave him the power to speak in tongues and to baptize in water.

When Paul was young, he was very sensitive to the Spirit. But the Jewish influence drove him from the synagogue. Throughout his ministry, Paul had many revelations from the Lord. One of them was a message about DISPENSATION OF GRACE FOR GENTILES.

After hearing this message, the disciples believed. In chapter 14, Paul dealt with weak believers. At the end of the chapter, he mentioned the DISPENSATION OF GRACE FOR GENTILE.

It was after this time that Saul/Paul was filled with the Holy Ghost. This was the same power that came on the believers after Paul laid his hands on them.

When Paul was laying his hands on the believers, they spoke in tongues and prophesied. Afterward, he ascended and the disciples stood around him.

Saul/Paul then went to the high priest. Elymas the sorcerer tried to turn him away from the faith. Nevertheless, he was baptized.

Take Scripture out of context

When you take Scripture out of context you can hear God’s voice in a way that is not true to His word. Sometimes people use Scriptures out of context to present ideas that are more in line with their own thinking, but this can be dangerous. In addition, interpreters sometimes fail to apply the text to their own situation and end up with a poor understanding of the Bible.

One of the most heinous exploits you can commit is taking the Word of God out of context. This can be as simple as quoting a verse without understanding what it is saying. But it can also be a more elaborate act. The result is half-truths, error, and falsehoods.

The best way to avoid taking Scripture out of context is to read it carefully. Many times you will discover that it is speaking about a different topic than the one you were reading about. However, the Holy Spirit can open your mind to understand the context of the Bible and help you to understand what it is telling you.

Cultivate a posture of listening in prayer

The holy spirit is a wonderful companion to have in our lives. It speaks to us, and communicates God’s thoughts and ideas to us. This article will discuss some of the many ways we can learn to listen to and trust the Spirit of God, and hear what He wants to say to us.

As you seek to cultivate this relationship, it is important to keep in mind that the holy spirit isn’t the only voice of God that we need to listen to. We should also remember that the best time to hear from God is not always in the moment. To help avoid distractions, make a concerted effort to develop a posture that will foster deeper connections with the Spirit. For instance, it is helpful to make the effort to pray for others throughout the day, instead of just on the drive to work. Even during your lunch break, you can ask the Spirit to reveal what is on His heart for you and your loved ones.

Ultimately, the holy spirit speaks to us as we seek to listen to and trust the Spirit of God, a process that is best fostered in a spiritual setting that is open to the many gifts of the Spirit.